Thursday, May 14, 2015

week 32

the home stretch. 8 more weeks (maybe a few more, hopefully a few less). i finally had to break down and start taking claritin. it was either take the meds or stop breathing. sinuses. but beyond that and feeling awkward and uncomfortable, i just feel so ready to see my nugget.

so here's what i haven't been saying because it hasn't been worth mentioning until now. i have basically measured 1-3 centimeters on the small side for the past several office visits. plus or minus 3 centimeters is considered within the normal range. and honestly, i've just been grateful i haven't been measuring on the large side.

at 30 weeks i measured 27 cm, got a great report and went about my merry way.

at 32 weeks i measured 26 cm and had to have an impromptu "growth scan" to make sure that the #rowenugget was growing according to plan.

she is, in fact, right on track and looking so cute in there.

interestingly, despite my small measurement, i have just a tad too much amniotic fluid which resulted in a blood panel being ordered and weekly ultrasounds to monitor the situation. meaning i'm going to ask for your prayers that the excess of amniotic fluid isn't a sign of some greater issue. furthermore, i am choosing to avoid the internets and unsolicited advice as to what could be happening.

as a parent-in-training it is easy to let the smallest things scare the crap out of you. but i feel pretty strongly that God wants my trust, my faith, and my complete dependance on him. the midwife did not seem overly concerned that anything terrible was happening and i'm choosing to see the blessing of extra ultrasounds to swoon over my panda babe. and you know what? God is faithful. and this is just one more thing to teach me to look to him.

baby size: the size of a "squash". according to the ultrasound she's measuring around 4 lbs. 5 oz.

weight gain: zero since my last visit

craving: give me all the orange juice. it is the pregnant woman's wine.

can't even: people staring at my belly. it just feels super awkward. like, i have a face. look at that.

loving: my baby panda and the excitement to hold her little body and see her squishy face.

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