Tuesday, February 17, 2015

week 20

can you believe that it is already halfway to baby day? i cannot. furthermore, the "baby's room" still has a full size bed in it. oh ya. and my shoes and G's clothes filling the closet.

we are soooo on top of things.

sometimes i truly feel like i'm just getting fat. there are no flutters, bubbles, or internal movements that could possibly be the nugget. speaking of. if you are a stranger. or a man. please. do not touch the belly. it's flubby and there's nothing exciting happening that warrants you rubbing your germy hands on me.

sleeping is starting to be a chore. it's hard to get comfortable. it's impossible to stay asleep. this has resulted in a cranky mood, short temper, and a bizarre desire to cry. i am not one of those awesome people that can run off of 3 hours of sleep and be pleasant. watch out for me when i'm living with a newborn. it might be dangerous.

despite the flub and lack of sleep, i am feeling pretty good these days. eating is fun again and i've been working out on a semi-regular basis. G wishes with everything inside of him that i would cancel my gym membership and "relax" but seriously. running is so horrible and amazing at the same time. i can't help myself.

baby size: this week we start measuring the baby "head to heel" instead of "head to rump". "head to rump" we're about the size of banana (6ish inches) and 10.5 ounces. from "head to heel" about 10 inches.

weight gain: i am sure that i have gained more. but i don't go back to the doctor for a couple of weeks.

craving: i believe i am out of the hangry cravings. but savory foods are still kind of iffy (read: utterly disgusting) and sweet foods are more tasty (which is totally opposite to how i normally am).

can't even: spending money on maternity clothes. you got me by the belly, gap maternity, i have to buy the ugly maternity clothes or go naked. but i don't have to like it. not to say i want to go naked. i do not want that.

loving: the time left of just me and G. i'm actually pretty sad to say goodbye to the days of two humans and two fur babies.

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