Wednesday, February 4, 2015

week 18

in week 16 i was all like, wow, i am looking so pregnant.


then week 17 hit and suddenly my pants felt two sizes too small and the belly band became a necessity.

this week the rowe nugget is making their presence known to anyone whose eyes divert from my face to my wasitline during conversation. i have one pair of pants left i can button and not feel like i'm going to die. i cried tears of joy at this discovery.

i know, i know. i look so overjoyed at my growing womb.

i've also had some rando cramping, aches and pains which i hear are totes normal. the only really strange "pregnancy symptom" i have left is the constant gagging while brushing my teeth. i literally can't even. on a similar note, please lord jesus, let me sleep through the night.

baby size: from "head to rump" around 5.5 inches and 6.5 ounces, the size of a sweet potato

*sidebar-vegetables and fruits come in all shapes and sizes so really what is the true size of a sweet potato?

weight gain: 4 pounds. thus sayeth the scale at the doctor's office

craving: the cravings are pretty much over. except every now and then i think I NEED ICE CREAM SO BAD. usually i can ward off this feeling for at least 3 days.

can't even: the comments. yes, i am pregnant. yes, i am working through pregnancy. yes, i am taking maternity leave. yes, i know i look fat. thank you, everyone. just thank you.

loving: we find out if the rowe nugget is a sir or a miss this week!


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