Tuesday, January 13, 2015

week 15

the bump made its grand appearance. it is not a beautiful round mound of babyness. oh no. instead it is a pooch of what appears to be too many candy bars. i feel this is a typical stage of pregnancy. the stage of "no, i'm not JUST getting fat, there's also a person in there". however. i suppose there is a lingering chance that the baby bump could be the result of too many candy bars. regardless, i need new jeans.

also, high fives all around. i've remembered to take my prenatal vitamins at least 80% of the time for the last week. i mean. this is a massive victory for me. there are many things to remember in pregnancy and unfortunately, taking vitamins daily is not at the top of ma list.

in general i am feeling like an actual real human being again. for much of the first trimester i was convinced that pregnancy was a time with you were resigned to feel like angry aliens invaded your body for their own personal brand of torture whilst you simultaneously had to pretend to be overjoyed.

baby size: 4 inches and 2.5 ounces...the size of an apple

weight gain: we don't own a scale.

craving: ironically, fruit. fruit and protein (peanut butter, nuts). however, i think this craving has a lot to do with the fact that neither fruit or protein make me feel like i'm going to die and gluten and fried foods make me feel like i've been poisoned.

can't even: the smell of meat and b.o. are still instruments of satan in my life. also, quit asking me the nugget's name. a) we will tell you when we want to. b) noneya. c) his/her name is nugget. duh.

loving: i will take this golden opportunity to say that G's been a good sport in light of my ever changing moods and has been as helpful as he can possibly be.

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