today i thought i would talk about all the rules of pregnancy and how i've been interpreting those for my particular journey to motherhood. bearing in mind that pregnancy was the gift i was given but didn't ask for, you have to understand that i maybe wasn't so excited about all the rules, both written and unwritten, for pregnant ladies.
medicine. i already do not like taking medicine. it is not my jam. but i found out i was pregnant because my body decided to cover itself in hives. hives are basically the worst physical experience i have ever endured. i literally prayed to God, "i will throw up every single day of this pregnancy to not have one hive ever again.". and i meant it. so despite conflicting opinions within the medical community and my own household, i took the prednisone until the hives were gone. i've also been taking allergy medicine for the past few weeks because i just couldn't do it anymore.
sushi. G let me eat veggie sushi once. if it were totally up to me, i would probably have eaten sushi like 7 times by now.
omnivore. i'm a pescetarian. this means that i [sometimes] eat seafood. but not often. i felt confident in my decision to stay mostly vegetarian when i found out i was pregnant. i've had a really healthy pregnancy and the #rowenugget is developing exactly as she should. have i been eating extra protein to make up for the fact i do not eat meat? no.
alcohol. this is a rule that i have followed. not one sip. G graciously and on his own decided to abstain from the adult beverages for the duration of my pregnancy alongside me. because we are even stephens. however, we are both anxiously awaiting that celebratory drink after the #rowenugget arrives. because guess what. i am not going alcohol-free while breastfeeding.
water. i haven't been drinking the recommended amount of water. sue me.
preparing for birth. we aren't taking lamaze or any other sort of birthing or parenting class. typically, i am a super type a planner. i like to pack for vacation like a week in advance. and only after i have made a list. but this panda is coming one way or another and there's really nothing that i can compare it to nor do i want to spend too much time thinking about what childbirth may be like. truth be told, i am more concerned with the aftermath than the actual labor.
sleep habits. i sometimes sleep on my side like i'm supposed to. but usually i'm attempting unsuccessfully to sleep on my belly or sleeping on my back. i can't help myself. it's just the way it happens.
good vibrations. some people believe that if you are sad or stressed during your pregnancy that you will have an anxious and unhappy baby. well i can't keep the tears at bay and stress is like my middle name. if i could maybe have a large glass of wine and sit in the corner and think about it maybe i'd be in a better mood. i'm not at all depressed. i'm just feeling all the feelings and not really trying to be peppy and perky and like super cheerful. because since when have i ever been like that.
books. i love to read. but i haven't read one single baby book. i have this snooty opinion that anyone can write a book telling you the best way to do anything. it doesn't make it the best way. we aren't going to be perfect parents, the #rowenugget will not be the perfect sleeper, eater, pooper, etc. what will be will be.
weight gain: 21 lbs.
craving: this past weekend i was in a major junk food rage.
can't even: i think people really believe that i want to talk about my pregnancy and nothing else. but i don't. i want to talk about other stuff like a normal human being. it is OK to acknowledge that i have other interests beyond the size of my belly, my due date, and the name of my child.
loving: that the finish line is in sight!