Monday, June 3, 2013


sorry for my absence. again. but are you ready for the biggest news of all?

we bought a house.

 buying a house was a really big deal for me. not because of the cost. because of the commitment to put down any roots in the town we're from. it's not a bad place to be from. but it's taken me a very, very long time to admit that this town isn't a total craphole.
 and well i was tired of feeling like i was living for the next thing. so i decided to start grad school. and G and i decided to buy a house. and you know what? it feels great.
and i'm grateful. i'm grateful that i've discovered that buying a house and making a life here is a blessing not a curse. i'm grateful for family and friends to cheer us on and help us out. i'm grateful to just have a home to call my own when so many don't. life will always be tough. there will always be hard things. but right now, life feels luxurious.

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